Our team of asbestos consultants are available to help clients with the ongoing monitoring and control of asbestos within buildings through regular asbestos reinspections, and we can coordinate any remedial asbestos work required, including the removal and disposal of asbestos. We work in and around the South East, London, Wales, the South West and nationwide.

The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (CAR2012) set out the Duty to Manage Asbestos. This imposes a duty of care for asbestos management within non-domestic properties and the communal areas of domestic dwellings.
In order to deal appropriately with asbestos, your property may require an asbestos survey to be carried out, known as an Asbestos Management Survey which will highlight any asbestos and will indicate if any remedial works are required.
The asbestos regulations also specify that if you are carrying out major refurbishment or demolition work, an asbestos survey should be undertaken prior to these works taking place. This is also supported by the Construction Design Management Regulations 2015 (CDM2015). In this instance, it would be necessary to carry out a Refurbishment or Demolition Survey.
At Core, our asbestos surveyors are P402 qualified as a minimum standard and carry out all asbestos surveys in line with HSG264 guidelines and in accordance with our UKAS Accreditation.
Our asbestos management reports include risk assessments and recommendations, which are given to you in an easy-to-follow digital or hard copy format. We can also advise on mitigating the cost of asbestos removal and management.
Once you have an asbestos survey you may require an asbestos management plan, asbestos awareness training or remedial works of some kind. Or alternatively, you may already have had a survey carried out and just need some further advice.
Please contact us to find out more about asbestos management. We are happy to assist whatever your circumstances and requirements.
Asbestos Management FAQs
What is asbestos management?
Asbestos management refers to the ongoing monitoring and control of asbestos within buildings, including regular reinspections, coordination of remedial work, and adherence to regulations and guidelines.
What are the regulations and guidelines for asbestos management in the UK?
The regulations and guidelines for asbestos management in the UK are set out by the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (CAR 2012) and the Construction Design Management Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015).
What is the Duty to Manage Asbestos?
The Duty to Manage Asbestos is a legal requirement under the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (CAR-2012) that imposes a duty of care for asbestos management within non-domestic properties and the communal areas of domestic dwellings.
What are the different types of asbestos surveys?
The different types of asbestos surveys include Asbestos Management Surveys, Refurbishment or Demolition Surveys, and Reinspection Surveys.
How often should asbestos surveys be conducted?
A Management Survey (providing access is gained to all areas) should only need to be undertaken once but then any asbestos identified should undergo a Reinspection Survey at regular intervals going forward, this will often be annually. Refurbishment or Demolition Surveys should then be carried out prior to works of this nature taking place.
Who is qualified to conduct asbestos surveys?
Surveys should be undertaken by an asbestos surveyor with the BOHS (British Occupational Hygiene Society) P402 as a minimum qualification and it is strongly recommended that a UKAS accredited company is appointed (United Kingdom Accreditation Service).
What are the recommendations provided in an asbestos survey report?
The report will provide recommendations on how to manage the asbestos in situ or whether it is recommended that it be removed. If removal is recommended, then the report will also confirm whether this needs to be undertaken by a Licensed Asbestos Removal Contractor (LARC).
How is asbestos removed and disposed of safely?
If it is recommended that asbestos be removed, certain asbestos materials must be removed by a Licensed Asbestos Removal Contractor (LARC) who will work in accordance with HSG247 Asbestos: The licensed contractors’ guide. For materials which do not have to be removed by a LARC, it is still essential that remedial works or removal takes place in accordance with the Health & Safety Executives Approved Code Of Practice (ACOP) and that suitable training has been undertaken. Removal work will often require air testing by an independent UKAS accredited company.
How can I reduce the cost of asbestos management?
Following an asbestos survey, an asbestos management plan should be put in place as a priority which will help with the effective management of asbestos. Asbestos which remains in situ must be reinspected and that which needs to be removed, must be done so in accordance with current regulations and guidance, so there are costs which cannot be avoided. Reputable surveying and removal companies will be able to assist in managing the asbestos in as cost-effective manner as possible. It is far more cost effective to be proactive as opposed to reactive, so having a plan in place for the systematic removal of asbestos where it is required, will be far more cost effective than having to deal with emergency situations where there is an unplanned release of asbestos fibres. It is important to consider not only the financial obligations of managing asbestos, but also the legal and moral obligations.
What are the penalties for not managing asbestos properly?
Penalties for not managing asbestos properly can include fines, legal action, and even imprisonment. It’s essential to comply with regulations and guidelines set out by the government to avoid these penalties and ensure the safety of the building’s occupants.