HSG264 Asbestos: The Survey Guide sets out the management asbestos survey as follows:
An asbestos management survey is the standard type of asbestos survey. Its purpose is to locate, as far as reasonably practicable, the presence and extent of any suspect Asbestos Containing Material in the building which could be damaged or disturbed during normal occupancy, including foreseeable maintenance and installation, and to assess their condition.

Management surveys should cover routine and simple maintenance work. However, it has to be recognised that where ‘more extensive’ maintenance or repair work is involved, there may not be sufficient information in the management survey and a localised asbestos refurbishment survey will be needed. A refurbishment survey will be required for all work which disturbs the fabric of the building in areas where the management survey has not been intrusive.
To find out more about Core and all our asbestos surveys, please browse our website. To book your management asbestos survey, please get in touch with our team and we will contact you to discuss your project and provide a guide cost.
With offices in both East Sussex and Wales, our accredited asbestos surveyors are able to carry out asbestos management surveys, we cover the South East, London, Wales, the South West and nationwide. The type of survey you require will vary during the lifespan of your premises and several may be needed over time. An asbestos management survey will be required during the normal occupation and use of the building to ensure continued management of the Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) in situ. A refurbishment or demolition survey will be necessary when the building (or part of it) is to be upgraded, refurbished or demolished.
“The HSE strongly recommends the use of accredited or certificated surveyors for asbestos surveys. The duty holder should not appoint or instruct an independent surveyor to carry out a survey unless the surveyor is competent.”
HSG264 Asbestos: The Survey Guide
Asbestos Management Survey FAQs
What is an Asbestos Management Survey?
It’s a survey that is conducted to locate, identify and assess the condition of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) in a building, during normal occupation. It will not be sufficient if you are undertaking refurbishment or demolition works.
Why is an Asbestos Management Survey necessary?
It is necessary to identify the presence and condition of asbestos-containing materials in a building to ensure the safety of the occupants and to comply with legal requirements under the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.
When should an Asbestos Management Survey be conducted?
Since 2002 it has been a legal requirement of asbestos regulations to manage asbestos within commercial premises and the common parts of residential blocks built before 2000, and a survey will often be required in the first instance to locate and assess its condition, in order that it can then be effectively managed. In 2002 The Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations (CAW 2002) came into force, now superseded by The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (CAR 2012). If asbestos containing materials are identified during the Management Survey, then Reinspection Surveys should be undertaken at regular intervals (annually) to monitor the condition of the asbestos and manage it effectively to ensure it does not pose a risk to occupants. An Asbestos Management Survey should be conducted before any renovation or demolition work is carried out on a building. It should also be conducted at regular intervals to ensure that any asbestos that is present remains in good condition and does not pose a risk to the occupants.
How is an Asbestos Management Survey conducted?
The survey should be undertaken by an asbestos surveyor with the BOHS P402 as a minimum qualification and it is strongly recommended that a UKAS accredited company is appointed (United Kingdom Accreditation Service). The survey includes taking samples of suspect materials and sending them to a UKAS accredited laboratory for analysis.
Who is qualified to conduct an Asbestos Management Survey?
The survey should be undertaken by an asbestos surveyor with the BOHS (British Occupational Hygiene Society) P402 as a minimum qualification and it is strongly recommended that a UKAS accredited company is appointed (United Kingdom Accreditation Service).
How is the asbestos identified during the survey?
The qualified surveyor will visually identify any suspect materials and then samples of those materials will be taken safely, and then sent to a UKAS accredited laboratory for analysis, to identify whether or not asbestos is present.
What is the difference between an Asbestos Management Survey and a Demolition Survey?
A management survey is conducted to identify the presence and condition of asbestos in a building and to provide recommendations for its management, whilst the building is under normal occupation. A management survey is not designed for the purposes of undertaking significant maintenance or construction works. A demolition survey is conducted to identify the presence and location of asbestos in a building that is going to be demolished. A demolition survey is far more intrusive and is aimed at finding materials in the fabric of the building that may not be identified during a management survey.
What are the recommendations provided in an Asbestos Management Survey report?
The report will provide recommendations on how to manage the asbestos in situ or whether it is recommended that it be removed. If removal is recommended, then the report will also confirm whether this needs to be undertaken by a Licensed Asbestos Removal Contractor (LARC).
How often should an Asbestos Management Survey be repeated?
Once a management survey has been undertaken and if asbestos is identified, then asbestos reinspection surveys should be undertaken at regular intervals (annually) to continue to monitor the condition of the asbestos. An additional management survey may be required to areas which could not be surveyed at the time of the original survey, but the building as a whole does not need to undergo a new management survey, providing reinspection surveys are being undertaken. However, if a management survey is several years old and reinspection surveys have not been undertaken, then it is often better to start by having a new management survey. The frequency of surveys will depend on the type of building and the condition of the asbestos. In general, it’s recommended to repeat the survey every 3 to 5 years.
How is the asbestos managed or removed after the survey?
Management of asbestos may include labelling it and then continuing with reinspections at regular intervals, or it may involve undertaking remedial work if the asbestos containing material has been damaged. If following the reinspection, the asbestos poses a high risk then removal of the material may be recommended. Certain asbestos materials must be removed by a Licensed Asbestos Removal Contractor (LARC) who will work in accordance with HSG247 Asbestos: The licensed contractors’ guide. For materials which do not have to be removed by a LARC, it is still essential that remedial works or removal takes place in accordance with the Health & Safety Executives Approved Code Of Practice (ACOP) and that suitable training has been undertaken.